Multiscale EU - EU Teachers Training initiatives

Multiscale EU - EU Teachers Training initiatives

de Spaesati/ Dépays(é)es -
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Multiscale EU - Jean Monnet Teacher Training project, co-funded by the European Union and promoted by the CITOYEN.NE.S Research Centre


Teachers Training initiative for European teachers: open online presentations, academic certification and co-designed classroom transfer activities


We work on citizenship education in an innovative perspective of critical pedagogy. We offer EU teachers from any national school system and all school levels (ISCED from 1 to 4 in particular) a free experimental programme that provides them with training and practicl tools aimed at developing their own citizenship skills and their ability to enhance them in their didactic activity and educational context. Training programmes are tailored to individual/local needs; a final academic ceritfication, specifying the total amount of training hours, is provided upon their accomplishment (this includes the documentation of classroom didactic activities implemented and designed with us).

General presentation of the training opportunities and the various and creative experimental learning activities for direct classroom implementation is provided through open online webinars. The next scheduled one willtake place on January, 16th 2024, via Go To Meeting. To get access or to fix new dates for you and your colleagues, just write us at