Multiscale EU Webinar hosted by the eTwinning community

Multiscale EU Webinar hosted by the eTwinning community

von Spaesati/ Dépays(é)es -
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Multiscale EU: transformative practices for citizenship pedagogy

Democracy is (always) at stake. The ability and willingness to put into question what we tend to take for granted is at the root of our democratic wellbeing as well as of any active and resilient democratic citizenship.

But how to nurture it at school today? To what extent schools and teachers can really play a role, instead of just helplessly bearing witness of what comes from outside?

In this webinar we develop and spread a reinvigorated “critical” approach to citizenship pedagogy that can address such issues. We will present you an insightful and stimulating framework to civically rethink the school curriculum and to renovate classroom practices, methodologies and materials in all disciplinary areas and school levels. We will show and explain how to use the freely accessible resources (for teachers training and direct classroom implementation) we develop in a multilingual paradigm on our Virtual Learning Environment on Europeans’ Unity (VLEU).

You can watch the recorded webinar here: 

Here you can also find notice of the webinar: